Category Archives: Python

Modeling COVID-19 vaccination from a statistical perspective

In this post, I propose a statistical model that reproduces the evolution of the ongoing COVID-19 vaccination campaign in specific countries. With this model, users can test the effects of different vaccine production and delivery rates, the segmentation of the population into pro- and anti-vaccines, and the impact of social pressure on non-vaccinated people. We discuss some of the insights that the model is able to provide and some directions for future work that leverage the model capabilities.

ADMiniSter: a python package to administer large numbers of text files with numerical data

ADMiniSter (“Ascii Data Minimalist management Suite”) is an open-source Python package that provides a collection of tools to manage plain-text files storing numerical data. The origins of this package are some of the tools, code snippets, approaches, etc., that I have needed or found helpful time and again over the years when dealing with numerical data stored in plain-text files.